Again the Chuck stands victorious among the mortal handicappers. I hit all three games last night, as promised, and I added another 1,000 units to my ever increasing bankroll, which now stands at 5,910 units. Do not try to comprehend the Chuck, just appreciate the greatness that he is and coat tail him to greater wealth and fortune.
On a side note, I have been issued a challenge by my co-worker who does not believe that the Chuck can run a marathon. Specifically, he challenged me that I will not be able to finish the marathon in under 4 hours by September. At first, I was a bit reluctant to accept such a lofty challenge, seeing that the most I have ever run in my life is five miles and that was some time ago. However, due to my ever increasing girth, I gladly accepted the challenge and will train earnestly to accomplish this goal. As a consequence, I have been running of late and I must tell you, I feel fantastic. My mind is clear and I have been able to pick winners with great clarity. Currently, I can run 3 miles in 27 minutes. I know that I am not setting any new records, however, I feel confident that I will be able to finish a marathon in under 4 hours by September. And yes, we do have a handsome wager riding on this so I will train in earnest.
As for tonight's action, I have only had a chance to take a brief gander and only one game seems worthy of the Chuck's time and attention. I happened to glance at the Oklahoma Sooners getting 4 points at Missouri. I understand that this looks like a trap game but the Chuck has discounted that notion and believes that Blake Griffin is back and better than ever and OU will administer a severe beat down to the over inflated Tigers of Missouri. The Chuck prognosticates that the Sooners, after going in a semi lull, will rebound with great vengeance and fury and will win this game outright. Accordingly, the Chuck will take Sooners and the points for a tidy sum of 400 units. I will post additional winners after I have had a chance to analyze the action. Until then, just remember that the Chuck is capable of ripping off 20 to 30 games in a row because he is better than you.
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